ETA on update to Softaculous

  • Answered
When accessing Softaculous through cPanel, there are currently the past two Long Term Support versions of TikiWiki CMS Groupware available (9 and 12). The latest Tiki LTS version (15) was just released last month and Softaculous has an announcement saying they have updated their Tiki package to 15, so I'm curious if it is known when we might expect to see the 15 package available for install and/or upgrade here?
Hello, Thank you for contacting us about updating your Softaculous version. You can perform a manual installation of TikiWiki at any time without Softaculous. That guide is for an older version, but the steps will be similar, and it is an easy process. Since this is just the public forums, you may want to submit your question to Live Support so they can look at your server, and provide account specific assistance. Thank you, John-Paul