Trouble with "Error establishing a database connection"
Whenever I go to my domain, the site shows up with this: "Error establishing a database connection." I understand that is a problem with the databases, and I must log in to cPanel to monitor the databases. However, I am unable to even log in to cPanel. It is saying either "Site cannot be reached" when I try adding cpanel to the end of my domain or it is saying "error with your request" when I try to log in through AMP login. How can I fix this?
Sorry to hear you are having issues with getting to your website and cPanel. When you are having issues getting to both, then the issue could be server related. You may want to contact Live Support so they can check into the issue, or you may wait it out a little. If unsure, I would contact the support team to see if they know of any issues. Server issues are of top priority and handled as quickly as possible.
Kindest Regards,
Scott M