Not receiving mail sent to me in same email account
his happened within 12 hours of downloading yahoo mail app for my android. I had no problems with android or my mail in
android. When i went online to my yahoo mail I sent myself and email, the email did not come thru. I just got the android
the other day. If U are to sync etc I did not do that. So I uninstall the yahoo mail app on android and nothing has
changed. I get mail from others it's just I'm not receiving mail sent by me to me in my inbox. How can I get this fixed.
android. When i went online to my yahoo mail I sent myself and email, the email did not come thru. I just got the android
the other day. If U are to sync etc I did not do that. So I uninstall the yahoo mail app on android and nothing has
changed. I get mail from others it's just I'm not receiving mail sent by me to me in my inbox. How can I get this fixed.
Thank you for your question regarding email. Are there any bounce backs when you send the mail? Are you sending the mail to and from the same address? Sometimes the email program will not deliver this mail as it seems redundant.
Best Regards,
TJ Edens