Site is not displaying correctly: No CSS applied
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I recently tried to change theme from the one I currently been using. However, whenever I change the theme, The site doesn't display correctly. When I "inspected" the page with chrome, I noticed that the page kept trying to GET folders related to the previous theme, not the new one I wanted to look at.
I then tried to delete the files in pub/static with the command "find . -depth -name .htaccess -prune -o -delete" .
After that, the admin panel broke.
I've read that files in the static can regenerate:
I then ran, "php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy" but it ran out of memory before it could finish...
I recently tried to change theme from the one I currently been using. However, whenever I change the theme, The site doesn't display correctly. When I "inspected" the page with chrome, I noticed that the page kept trying to GET folders related to the previous theme, not the new one I wanted to look at.
I then tried to delete the files in pub/static with the command "find . -depth -name .htaccess -prune -o -delete" .
After that, the admin panel broke.
I've read that files in the static can regenerate:
I then ran, "php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy" but it ran out of memory before it could finish...
Thank you for your question regarding Magento. Do you have any backups of the files that you deleted? Also do you have any caching enabled on the Magento site which could be causing a problem with the website displaying correctly.
Best Regards,
TJ Edens