Cron Job to Flush OPcache
Hello. I have a PHP file to flush my OPcache, and created a Cron Job, via cPanel > Cron Jobs, to run that file every 4 hours. Here is the Command:
php -q /home/enxaqu5/public_html/flush-opcache.php
But there is no evidence that it's working - I'm not receiving emails and, when checking my Cron Job via server logs (, as I successfuly connect via SSH through my Mac's Terminal and type: grep "flush-opcache.php" /var/log/cron , I get the message that there is no such file or directory.
All I need is to make sure my OPcache is cleared periodically. Could anyone, please, let me know how to do this?
php -q /home/enxaqu5/public_html/flush-opcache.php
But there is no evidence that it's working - I'm not receiving emails and, when checking my Cron Job via server logs (, as I successfuly connect via SSH through my Mac's Terminal and type: grep "flush-opcache.php" /var/log/cron , I get the message that there is no such file or directory.
All I need is to make sure my OPcache is cleared periodically. Could anyone, please, let me know how to do this?