Form mail not working with ezbiz switchover

  • Answered
I have an order form that submits the results to me via email, inmotion customized it for me years back and its worked fine up until the switch from 111 to 204. A phone tech tried to modifiy it last night, but couldn't get it to work from the 204 sercure server, so right now its forward from 111 to my email. Can someone help with this? The site is ********.com, on top of every page is a button that reads Sercure Ordering and that /page-form is the issue.

Thanks in advance, john
Hello John, Sorry for the problem with the form mail script not working after the change to ecbiz204. Note that live technical support can make changes to your server files if you are unable to make them yourself. We can not make the modifications for you. I took a look at the script myself and noticed a few things about the FormMail script. First, the @referrers should include the NEW server (currently it's only set to the old). Your allow_mail_to setting should include established email accounts in your cPanel. At least one of those did not exist in your email accounts. You can remove the default "[email protected]". It's very easy to modify this file, it's a text file. You can go into cPanel and use File Manager to find the file in the CGI folder. This is in your website files under public_html. Click on the file to highlight it, then go to the top of the file manager and select an editor. I was using the Code Editor (it takes a little time for that editor to load, by the way). The code editor shows line numbers - I was referring to lines 47 and 48 in the script. Once you make your changes, it should work! If you have any further questions or comments, please let us know. Regards, Arnel C.