Migrating Server Problem - Temporary URL Dont link images

  • Answered
Hello, we recently migrated our wordpress site www.permanencia.com.ar to biz205.inmotionhosting.com/~perman11
But the images arent linked correctly.

The site looks for the images at biz205.inmotionhosting.com/~perman11 but these are hosted in biz205.inmotionhosting.com/

Any suggestions on how to solve this issue?


IMH Support Agent 5
Hello, Thank you for your question about image links. The non-appearance of the images is likely due to using a Temporary URL. I suggest clearing your browser cache and doing a hosts file modification to view your site. The latter option will let you view your site through the top-level domain, which is a more accurate way of viewing a WordPress site, because image links will be hard-coded into your database with the original URL, not necessarily on the temporary URL (in most cases). Best, Christopher M.