I cannot access MySQL Views 145 Error

  • Answered
I have a weird tricky issue here.

After I modified the Remote MySQL (removed some IP's), I started running into issues viewing VIEW statements. I can access all of the tables with the MySQL user for that database, but when I load a view statement, I get an error message 1045 - Access Denied for that database user. The thing is, it's the same user. This user has all privileges, including the ability to load and edit and create VIEW statements.

What does Remote MySQL and this have in common? Why can't I view VIEW statements anymore? It has shut down my clients website for the time being.
gls, if you are having the same issues I would recommend contacting Support.
IMH Support Agent 5
Hello jagaleellc,

Thank you for your question about access MySQL Views. That is certainly a unique case. You can try restoring the IPs to see if that allows access again. However, it seems unlikely this modification alone may have taken the sites down. Did you make any other modifications recently?

Christopher M.