I installed BoldGrid in a testing environment, but when i go to the admin page i am not given a login box

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  • Answered

I am checking out how boldgrid works. I have a site that is not a wordpress site. I installed boldgrid in a testing environment. When I follow the link I do not go to a login box or any kind of admin page, but I just get a copy of my page with the css stripped. Do I need to have developed the page on wordpress for this to work?

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Satisfaction mark by Schaarschmidt 5 years ago

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IMH Support Agent 1
  • Answered
IMH Support Agent 1
  • Under review

Hello Schaarschmidt,

Thank you for contacting us about issues accessing a BoldGrid site on a test environment. We are happy to help but will need some additional information. Can you provide a link to the site for us to test? Please include any additional information that will help us troubleshoot this further.

Thank you,
