I cannot move website via FTP

  • Answered
Greetings all - I am attempting to migrate an existing site from Fatcow to your servers. I have downloaded the site files and databases, but cannot connect via FTP to my new account. The Support Center articles related to this issue imply that this should be an easy process, so I am frustrated that I am at an impasse. How am I doing this wrong?
NOTE: I have not yet pointed my domain to the inmotion nameservers, as I wanted to move the files first to see if it works. I have a CPanel for the domain (regissocialmedia.com) and have created a separate FTP account as well as used the Special FTP account for the domain in an attempt to transfer the files - still no success. Please assist!

Thank you for your question on moving your website via FTP. Is the issue with connecting to the server or is it in moving the files? Are you getting any specific error message?

Kindest Regards,
Scott M