Website speed is slow despite working a lot on it...
This question has multiple parts... We have a fairly robust site (*****.net). I've been able to get some improvement on speed with a few different plugins, and have improved our gtmetrix scrores significantly. However, I'm still getting some slow page loading complaints and I have a few questions about using various plugins. I've got Autoptomize active for compressing my stylesheets and scripts; using WP Fastest Cache; using Far Future Expiration (all file types set to 365 days). Now for the questions...
1) I tried using W3 Total Cache a while back and it crashed the site, so not open to that one. However, WP Super Cache is an option I believe, if it's recommended over WP Fastest Cache. I just want to improve my scores!
2) How often should I delete the cache in whichever caching plugin I use?
3) Any other tips on speeding things up? GTMetrix shows our pagespeed scores at an "A" but YSlow at a "D" or "C"...
-- see here.. it's mostly the expires headers, making fewer HTTP requests, and cookie-free domains...?
Help? Thank you!
1) I tried using W3 Total Cache a while back and it crashed the site, so not open to that one. However, WP Super Cache is an option I believe, if it's recommended over WP Fastest Cache. I just want to improve my scores!
2) How often should I delete the cache in whichever caching plugin I use?
3) Any other tips on speeding things up? GTMetrix shows our pagespeed scores at an "A" but YSlow at a "D" or "C"...
-- see here.. it's mostly the expires headers, making fewer HTTP requests, and cookie-free domains...?
Help? Thank you!