PHP Version Mismatch in Joomla
I noticed today that the version of php that cpanel says I'm using does not match the version that my Joomla installation says I'm using. cpanel reports php 5.6 (from /opt/php56); Joomla reports version 5.5 (from /opt/php55). How can I get Joomla to use php 5.6? An update to a plugin that I'm using wants 5.6 or newer, especially since 5.5 is beyond end-of-life. Thanks!
Hello casmithva,
Thank you for your question on PHP version in Joomla. As long as you have set your account level PHP version to 5.6, then the Joomla should use that. If you set the PHP version in your cPanel and the version still claims 5.5, then you will want to contact Live Support so they can take a look into your account specifics,
Kindest Regards,
Scott M