My email recipients are not getting my email in timely manner

  • Answered
INMOTION email and phone support is terrible - waiting 24 or more hours for email response and on hold on phone for 1.5 hours is unacceptable. My email recipients who I "CC" to are sometimes not getting my emails or if they are it takes 3-6 hours for them to receive. The people I "send TO" are getting my emails fine and in a timely manner. Their IT people say it is on our end. What can be the problem?
Hello, Thank you for your question regarding emails taking a long time to be delivered to cc'd recipients. We definitely understand your frustration, as we have been experiencing a large influx contacts recently. I recommend reviewing your server's mail logs for specific evidence and time-stamps on addresses you have cc'd. For example, your server logs what time each email message was delivered to the recipient server, and any additional errors that may have occurred (with times). Unfortunately, if you are on a shared server Live Support will have to help you access these logs. I recommend submitting a verified ticket from AMP regarding this issue. Be sure to include times and cc addresses to help narrow down the specific emails that are bouncing. Unfortunately, since this is just a public forum we cannot make any changes to your account, or provide account specific assistance here. Thank you, John-Paul