send email from gmail

  • Answered
i have created an email account which works fine from the webmail interface (rouncube etc).
Since i would like to access by smartphone I was trying to give access through my gmail account.
I followed the instructions and from gmail settings - accounts and import - add another email address.
in the first map "Enter information about your other email address" I input my name and the "inmotion" email address .
Then I insert the smtp server name I found in the cpanel's "Mail Client Configuration for “- which is "" for SSL, port 465 and the "inmotion" email address.
I keep getting this error:
Authentication failed. Please check your username/password.
Server returned error: "535 Incorrect authentication data code(535) "
I get the same error trying TSL smtp server name and port 587 and port 25. I actually tried all combinations of ports / server names but kee getting the same message-
Anybody knows how to make it work ?
Hello, Thank you for your question on how to set up Gmail as a POP3 client. I also use this method for several email addresses hosted here at InMotion. Following our article on setting up Gmail for POP3 and SMTP should get you set up. If you are still experiencing issues, be sure to contact Live Support so they can check into your email logs while you try to set up. There may be some errors that appear. Kindest Regards, Scott M