
cPanel Support for LetsEncrypt?

  • updated
  • Answered

Hello. I just went through hell and back to set up a basic free DV ssl cert. End users seem to love LetEncrypt, however you don't support it. I would like to know when you will be supporting this streamlined, free, SSL certification system. Thank you!

  • Answered


We do not have any immediate plans to support Lets Encrypt. The main reason for this is that there is support through cPanel for AutoSSL. AutoSSL is supported only on VPS and Dedicated server accounts. There are no plans to provide free SSL certificates on our shared servers. AutoSSL is also a free, easy-to-use certification system. As a note of caution, if you wish to provide a more trusted SSL certificate solution, then you may want to invest in a paid version of SSL certificate which may often provide extra protection against potential fraud.

If you have any further questions, please let us know.

Kindest regards,

Arnel C.