information on how to update the child theme
Updating using WP Townpress. No response from Author. I do not want to loose any settings for my website.
The problem is that a custom sidebar widget on a page is not saving a category filter I used to be able to do. Now it is showing all categories.
Thank you,
The problem is that a custom sidebar widget on a page is not saving a category filter I used to be able to do. Now it is showing all categories.
Thank you,
Sorry for the problem with the WP Townpress. The purpose of using a child theme is to be able to save theme-related settings so that the appearance of your WordPress doesn't change when a theme or WordPress is updated. If the setting is related to the WordPress application (not the theme), then you will not be able to preserve the change you're making. Can you please identify exactly what you're trying to preserve? Please describe it in detail so that we can investigate the problem in more depth. If you have CACHING, make sure that you turn it off temporarily so that the site is not using the cache.
If you have any further questions or comments, please let us know.
Arnel C.