Can I use a different software instead of the Premium Web Builder?
Hi. I've been using Premium Web Builder for several years. Frankly, I'm just not very happy with it any more. How can I start using another software to update my site? Do I have to start from scratch? Please give me step-by-step instructions on how to switch from Premium Web Builder to a different website builder. Also, which software do you recommend? Thanks so much.
The majority of our customers who want to have control over the site appearance don't necessarily want to be the graphic designer and they also don't want to have to be web programmer in order to add some type of web functionality. Therefore, we often recommend WordPress as the solution to use. It gives the user complete control, or only minimal control in order to quickly create a website. It can be scaled up very easily with thousands of free plugins, and it can also be quickly designed with thousands of themes. It is the most widely used website software on the internet. We also promote BoldGrid as a plugin to create your site since it provides website templates that you can quickly manipulate for your needs.
If you want to do this, you can easily install WordPress from the Softaculous option in cPanel. Also, you can submit a support ticket to our live technical support team to have your account reset if you wish for everything to be reset before you start. There are many solutions on the web that you can use to build your website. If you don't want to use WordPress, that is definitely up to you. Since we often work with it, it is our recommendation to replace Premium Web Builder. I hope that helps to answer your question! If you require further assistance, please let us know! Regards, Arnel C.