Migrating Magento 2 to existing server

  • Answered
Good morning.

We are a website design firm and we recently uploaded a Magento 2 site to a clients server. Performance is abysmal and I am wondering if support has any suggestions on server side settings/installations that would help get this site running better? The site works, it is just really slow.

Server has no load and has free memory. I/O isn't an issue and the database performance appears to be OK.

Before I dive really deep into figure out what is going on I wanted to know if there are any suggestions or requirements to run Magento 2 on this setup.

Thank you.
Hello, Thanks for your question in regards to Magento 2 performance issues. The first thing I generally look at is the recommended hardware requirements for the software and compare them against what's being used. After that, many people have different opinions about caching and settings that could help to aid the speed of the site. I took a look around probably the best post I saw about the issue is this one from Magento's community forums: What are the hard requirements for running Magento 2.0. They discuss possible hosting solutions and then talk about caching to help with the performance. The post's original query is the same as yours - very slow performance, and what can they do to improve it. So, hopefully, this information will provide you some good information. If you have any further questions or comments, please let us know. Regards, Arnel C.