not receiving all my emails in outlook

  • Answered
I have outlook 2016 and it is connected to my gmail account. I use a POP connection. Recently, any emails I receive in the evening after my computer is shut, only goes to my gmail account, but does not roll into the outlook. As long as I am on my computer during work hours, everything is fine.

I tried to uninstall my outlook email account and reinstall. This did not help. Maybe I did not uninstall properly as I still have the first account emails available to me.

Thanks for your help!
IMH Support Agent 5
Hello Amy,

Thank you for your question about using Outlook and POP. The behavior you are reporting is normal. While your computer is shut, the email will collect at Gmail. Once you re-open the computer and launch Outlook, the emails will be pulled down by Outlook from Gmail and appear in your Outlook inbox.

This is best illustrated when one considers that POP is an acronym for "Post office protocol." Using that analogy, you can imagine a letter arriving at the post office and staying there until the postman delivers it to your house. In your case, Gmail (Google) would be the post office holding the message until Outlook, acting as postman, can get the message and deliver it to you.

Christopher M.