can't “rewrite_module” and restart the server

  • Answered
Hello, I'm trying to enable rewrite_module for my magento 2 website and restart the server. I contacted the technical support and they told me to post my problem here.

I get a 404 error here 404 not found error when file is exist on correct path with right permission.
Please help me as my developer is trying to fix this during the day. But he simply needs to enable this module and restart the server.

Thank you
IMH Support Agent 5


Thank you for submitting a question about the "rewrite_module" in Magento 2. I'm not familiar with that Module. Does your developer perhaps mean "Mod_rewrite"? If so, the latter is already enabled in our servers by default. It would be available unless it was disabled by you or your developer. The server restart is the easy part. The server can be rebooted at the press of a button in AMP or WHM.


Christopher M.