Lost the Call To Action Widget

  • Answered
I accidently deleted the Call To Action Widget from the Venetian Theme. I went to replace it in the admin panel, but it was removed from the "Inactive Widgets" column. It says that the widget is removed from the sidebar, but kept its settings.

How do I get the widget back, and put it on my theme?
Hello, Sorry for the problem with the lost Call to Action Widget in the Venetian Theme. You should be able to recover the lost widget with the following steps:
  1. Log in to your BoldGrid Admin panel.
  2. Roll your mouse over the Customize link, and choose your active or staging site.

  3. Click the Header/Footer Widgets link, then click Call To Action.
  4. Click the + Add a Widget button.
This question was asked before and you can review the answer here. If you have any further questions, please let us know. Kindest regards, Arnel C.