
How To Purchase Softaculous

  • updated
  • Answered

Trying to add Softaculous to my subscription, but can't find where to do this.

Duplicates 1
Softaculous doesn't appear in cPanel
I just purchased Softaculous through Amp. The link to Softaculous on the Amp page now goes to a 404 and no link appears on the cpanel.

Hello acemetillidie0001,

Thank you for your question regarding adding Softaculous service. You can purchase a Softaculous license directly from AMP.

If your problems persist, Live Support can help you request a license.

Thank you,


Hello, Thank you for your question regarding Softaculous not appearing in cPanel. When you order a Softaculous license for your server, an email will be sent to you with further details. Our system administration team will then order a license for your server and proceed to install Softaculous onto your server for you. Once this has completed you'll be notified by email again. This is from our full article on How to purchase a Softaculous license in AMP. If you have already received an email notification stating that your Softaculous installation is complete, then I recommend contacting Live Support so they can test within your specific account. Thank you, John-Paul