Worry About Password BitCoin SPAM
Hi InMotion: My wife and I are getting hit by the email scam that lists one of your passwords then asks for bitcoin payment. Here is a link to an article about it. https://www.businessinsider.com/new-email-scam-uses-old-password-fake-porn-threats-webcam-video-bitcoin-2018-7 We are concerned that this will spread to our boys who are both teenagers. Also at the same time my SPAM total jumped by a factor of 10. I went from maybe 10 a day to nearly 100 a day. I have enable SPAMAssassin on my account and that has helped.
Is there any way than InMotion can help? Is there more I can do? Suggestions?
John And Sermin Taber
Is there any way than InMotion can help? Is there more I can do? Suggestions?
John And Sermin Taber