Worry About Password BitCoin SPAM

  • Answered
Hi InMotion: My wife and I are getting hit by the email scam that lists one of your passwords then asks for bitcoin payment. Here is a link to an article about it. https://www.businessinsider.com/new-email-scam-uses-old-password-fake-porn-threats-webcam-video-bitcoin-2018-7 We are concerned that this will spread to our boys who are both teenagers. Also at the same time my SPAM total jumped by a factor of 10. I went from maybe 10 a day to nearly 100 a day. I have enable SPAMAssassin on my account and that has helped.

Is there any way than InMotion can help? Is there more I can do? Suggestions?

John And Sermin Taber
Hello John and Sermin Taber, I appreciate your concern about the Password Bitcoin Spam. Your account does have access to SpamExperts which you can use to report a spam email so that it is intercepted and quarantined or filtered. Check out the SpamExperts articles with the link above and you can see how to log in for the first time, report a specific spam email, and make any necessary changes. If yo have any problems with logging into SpamExperts or need further assistance, you can speak with our live technical support team. Their contact information can be found at the bottom of this page. If you want further protection beyond the applications that InMotion provides, then I recommend that you find 3rd party solutions that you can load directly to your computers to help with malware or spam. I hope that helps to answer your question! If you require further assistance please let us know! Regards, Arnel C.