JAVA mysql connect
Conexión miConexion = DriverManager.getConnection ("jdbc: mysql: //", "weathe27_adnw100", "xxxxxx");
no me puedo conectar por Java a la base de datos,
por php si me puedo conectar pero por java no,
creo que es por los permisos del usuario..
¿Pueden darme permisos?
Hello!, MyConexion connection = DriverManager.getConnection ("jdbc: mysql: //", "weathe27_adnw100", "xxxxxx"); I cannot connect via Java to the database, php if I can connect but not java, I think it's because of the user's permissions .. Can you give me permission? Thank you
Connection miConexion=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://", "weathe27_adnw100", "xxxxxxx");
I cant connect to my database mysql with Java,
I can connect with php but not but not java,
I think it is because of the user's permissions.
Can you give me permissions?
Thank you