Hi Trinaldi! By default our Backup Manager can backup accounts of up to 10 GB in size. If you have exceeded this limit and received the alert, it means that your account now has more data than its current limit allows for and will not be backed up until this is changed. You can resolve this by clearing away data you do not need until you are under your current limit, or by purchasing more backup space. Alternatively, you can go into the Backup Manager configuration and change which directories are and are not backed up!
Hi Trinaldi! By default our Backup Manager can backup accounts of up to 10 GB in size. If you have exceeded this limit and received the alert, it means that your account now has more data than its current limit allows for and will not be backed up until this is changed. You can resolve this by clearing away data you do not need until you are under your current limit, or by purchasing more backup space. Alternatively, you can go into the Backup Manager configuration and change which directories are and are not backed up!