My site is too slow on pingdom and google speed test

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any help would be appreciated.

MY site is [here]

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Hi! For your privacy, I removed the domain you listed from your post after I visited your and ran a GTMetrix scan on it. 

What stood out to me was that, while the site itself seemed to load quickly when I visited it, the error reports showed a long series of redirects. These appear to be related to some kind of retail or advertising plugin. My guess is that the main part of the side loads up quickly, but whatever plugin or advertisement that redirects multiple times is slowing down the load time/speed scores in various analysis tools because it takes longer than everything else and makes many more connections. The advertisement never loaded for me, even though there is an 'our sponsor' section, so I think it's just a misconfigured (or not yet fully implemented) advertisement. 

Try working on the settings of your advertisement plugin or plugins and see if that makes everything else run smoother. I hope that helps!

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Hi! For your privacy, I removed the domain you listed from your post after I visited your and ran a GTMetrix scan on it. 

What stood out to me was that, while the site itself seemed to load quickly when I visited it, the error reports showed a long series of redirects. These appear to be related to some kind of retail or advertising plugin. My guess is that the main part of the side loads up quickly, but whatever plugin or advertisement that redirects multiple times is slowing down the load time/speed scores in various analysis tools because it takes longer than everything else and makes many more connections. The advertisement never loaded for me, even though there is an 'our sponsor' section, so I think it's just a misconfigured (or not yet fully implemented) advertisement. 

Try working on the settings of your advertisement plugin or plugins and see if that makes everything else run smoother. I hope that helps!