BoxTrapper Improvements
Last September I submitted suggested improvements to BoxTrapper. Those didn't go anywhere. Too bad. I will add some more, and say that at least 3 links on the inmotion BoxTrapper page do not work.
Here are my original suggestions, as explained to someone from cpanel:
This is the way it is now:
This is what I would propose:
The "Time" field has been changed to Date/Time. This eliminates the previous/next/return to date buttons. All emails pending delivery would be in the same window. This would save a lot of time going from day to day, and back. (Alternately, you could have multiple pages for large numbers of pending emails.)
The "To:" field has been added. This eliminates the need to have multiple browser windows for multiple email addresses, or much worse going back to the BoxTrapper window to select a different email account, then going forward again to look at the review queue for another address. This browser window would show pending email for every email address that has BoxTrapper enabled.
Next, having a "Sort" feature (possibly by clicking on "To", "From", "Subject" or "Date/Time") would sort to that field. I can see sorting by "To" and "Date/Time" would be most useful. Selecting multiple emails (possibly by checking one box then holding the Shift key at another box) would allow you to whitelist or delete a set of emails based on sender, date, etc.
Finally, BoxTrapper configuration happens infrequently where reviewing the queue might happen often. So having a BoxTrapper queue review button taking you directly to this window at the top level in the control panel would make it very fast.
Here are my additional suggestions:
I frequently review the BoxTrapper queue to see if a legitimate email should be processed. Mostly it's spam and I can select all, then delete. It would be nice if the default was delete, and not default to sending the spam through to my inbox. Seems like this could easily be done with a cookie.
When I delete, I have to click another time just to "go back" to my queue. Why should I click another time? That makes no sense at all since there are no other options. (In fact, cpanel has many places where once you take some action and there's nothing more to do, you have to "go back". This is a waste of time.)
It must be nice, it must be nice, having cpanel on your side. (Apologies to LMM. :-) )
Hi Dave, and thanks for reaching out to us with your suggestions!
First, thanks for bringing those broken links to my attention. I'll start reviewing the BoxTrapper articles and make sure that they either link to the correct material or are removed.
While I personally like your suggestions, development of most of the core cPanel features are outside of our direct control. We license the software from cPanel to use, and different teams may develop small, focused add-ons under very specific circumstances and controlled conditions. Given the number of people who expect the standard cPanel experience, there isn't a lot we can really push for when there is already a set design process for cPanel development.
That said, I'll be sure to reach out to someone on one of the senior Development teams and run it by them to see what would be feasible. Hope that helps!