Getting 500 errors, making site unusable
Came on suddenly, I thought I had done something to my main web site (so I reinstalled the software I was using), but now I'm getting them on an old phpBB forum that isn't being used and to which I have made no changes. (
WTF is going on? There are no errors except these entries in the suexec error log: [2020-08-04 08:54:32]: uid: (2434/alliga10) gid: (2443/alliga10) cmd: redirect.cgi
I'm not a smart man. Please help me.
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Hello Cosmo,
Thank you for your question regarding 500 errors. Based on the error log provided, it appears to be a file ownership issue. For direct assistance with this issue, I recommend contacting our Technical Support team:
Best Regards,
Alyssa K.