Can't establish FPT sever connection after changing domain

  • updated
  • Answered

I set up an FTP account with an original domain and everything worked properly. I then decided to change my primary domain and now I can't establish a connection to the FTP server via FileZilla. Despite many attempts. Any advice?

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Adam Gordon

Hey Arnel, 

Thanks for the speedy reply! So one thing I didn't think to do was supply the InMotion nameservers to the domain registrar (the domain was acquired separately). Once I did this things seemed to fall into place - I am now able to establish an FTP connection with my updated information. 

Thanks again and have a good one.



IMH Support Agent 2
  • Answered

Hello Adam,

Sorry for the issues with your FTP connection after changing your domain name.  We would need to know what settings (not the password, of course) you're using to connect to your server.  Also, remember that if you just changed the domain, then it may take up to 24 hours for the new domain to be recognized on the internet (if it's registered properly).

You can also go to your AMP interface, find your server name in combination with your user ID to connect that way.  Note that your login credentials for the user should be the cPanel user name and password.  You can find more info on this in our article:  Getting Started with FTP.

I hope this helps to answer your question. If you need further assistance, please let us know!

Kindest regards,
Arnel C.