Email and Mailman with subdomains
I have domains where I manage DNS outside of inMotion. I want to point some domains/subdomains to be serviced by my VPS at inMotion.
A couple of questions:
1. How can I configure Exim to accept mail for domains/subdomains outside of inMotion?
2. How can I configure Mailman to have a different DEFAULT_URL_HOST and also for mailing lists to accept mail for a subdomain outside of inMotion?
3. I know Mailman works by setting up aliases for posting, owner, admin, etc... where can I view the aliases in cPanel or WHM?
Hello Ricardo,
Thank you for your question regarding Mailman and Exim. Unfortunately, as this is a public forum, I am unable to provide account-specific advice or make changes to your account. For assistance with the configuration of your email services, I recommend contacting our Managed Hosting team:
Best Regards,
Alyssa K.