PayPal and Stripe Integration
I want to Integratae My PayPal a-c and my Stripe A-c with my WP Site.
I installed one PayPal Plugin "PayPal Buy Now Button"
and put my Business ID number,
then I copied PayPal product code to BUY Now button
but after clicling error shows up - NO page found.
How I can make a conection between PayPal and my WP Blog?
There are over 40 pages to search when I type Add New PLugin - 'paypal'
The same problem with Stripe?
There are 19 pages of dif. Plugis to look at.
Is there One Plugin for PayPal and for Stripe?
Hello Anonymous,
Thank you for your question regarding Paypal and Stripe. Unfortunately, we cannot recommend any specific plugin, however it seems that one of the most popular eCommerce solutions is WooCommerce. I recommend reviewing the following guide for more information on WooCommerce:
Best Regards,
Alyssa K.