Is there a cost for both the subscription to the Backup Manager and the 10GB block?

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  • Answered

Is there a cost for both the subscription to the Backup Manager and the 10GB block?

IMH Support Agent 2
  • Answered


Thanks for your question in regards to the Backup Manager and the 10 GB block.  Automated backups that are done for you are no longer free.  You can however use a backup tool in cPanel or a plugin for your website (or other service) to make your own backups (scheduled or not).  Read our article on Remote Paid Backup Service for more details.  If you are subscribed to the service then you do get the first 10 GB as part of the subscription.  If you exceed that space, then you would need to purchase a 10 GB block or however much more space you need to safely complete your backup.

There are a number of backup options available to you and you can read about them in our Backups and Restorations section of the Support Center website.

If you have any further questions or comments, please let us know.

Kindest Regards,

Arnel C.