One of my regular contact's emails keeps getting blocked, particularly when he sends with an attachment. Please advise.

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Please advise, as the emails are not going to my junk mail.

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Thanks for getting in touch with us!

By any chance do those attachments contain Excel files? Sometimes, the macros in Excel files will set off the anti-spam monitoring system. If that is the case, try placing them in ZIP files or another compressed file format. 

If that does not help, or you are having trouble with a different type of file, please reach out directly to our 24/7 Technical Support team for further assistance on your specific situation. 

  • Answer
  • Answered

Thanks for getting in touch with us!

By any chance do those attachments contain Excel files? Sometimes, the macros in Excel files will set off the anti-spam monitoring system. If that is the case, try placing them in ZIP files or another compressed file format. 

If that does not help, or you are having trouble with a different type of file, please reach out directly to our 24/7 Technical Support team for further assistance on your specific situation.