Long latency issue

  • updated
  • Answered

Hello friends, I would like to know if there is something you can do regarding the very high latency issues on my website (which isn't even full, nor even started to compile with data) - and the ping showed me 190ms which is truly unacceptable.

Quoting from Command Line:
Pinging rbproductiongloby.com [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=189ms TTL=49
Reply from bytes=32 time=189ms TTL=49
Reply from bytes=32 time=189ms TTL=49
Reply from bytes=32 time=189ms TTL=49

Thank you,

IMH Support Agent 2
  • Answered


Sorry for the issue of latency that you have indicated based on a ping test and the size of your website. High latency is typically not determined by a ping.  You would use a trace route in order to trace the connection from your location to the server (and back). That diagnostic would then be able to tell you where slowdown may be occurring.  Additionally, bear in mind that your connection to the internet and the route it takes to the server may also play a role in the apparent times.    So, generally, when I run a trace route, I don't run it once, and if possible, it would be good to check the site from multiple internet providers if you're seeing high latency.  I ran a check with both a ping (to compare) and a trace route neither indicate latency as an issue.  My ping to your site was averaging 70ms.  Please reference our article on how to read (and run) a trace route.

Also, generally, the size of your site will not cause a latency issue, unless the site code is doing something that requires a lot of processing time before returning a result from the querying browser.  For example, some websites with lots of javascript running advertisements can bog down the appearance of the site.  There are many third party tools that will also assess website performance (for free). One site I tend to use is gtmetrix.com. 

If you continue to see a latency issue, I would recommend communicating with our live technical support team. They have direct access to the servers and can tell you if there are problems at the server level.  

If you have any further questions or comments, please let us know.

Kindest Regards,

Arnel C.