Lost external Access to our Email accounts

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We are in the process of having our website redone.  Now that it is finished they made it Live by pointing our DNS to the Wix instead of wordpress.  After this was done we can no longer access our emails from our browsers.  How can we get them back?

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Hi, Keith! It sounds like you will need to change your DNS so that MX records at your site's host to point to your InMotion email, which will route the sent and received email to the InMotion servers. Then you can access the email by adding /webmail to the end of your server URL - this is going to be something like secure123.inmotionhosting.com/webmail except the exact number and URL will depend on your account. Here's a guide to finding your server name in cPanel. You can also use that server name to set up your mail client, so you can still access your email from things like Outlook and Thunderbird. Hope that helps!

  • Answer
  • Answered

Hi, Keith! It sounds like you will need to change your DNS so that MX records at your site's host to point to your InMotion email, which will route the sent and received email to the InMotion servers. Then you can access the email by adding /webmail to the end of your server URL - this is going to be something like secure123.inmotionhosting.com/webmail except the exact number and URL will depend on your account. Here's a guide to finding your server name in cPanel. You can also use that server name to set up your mail client, so you can still access your email from things like Outlook and Thunderbird. Hope that helps!