I just moved my html site to Inmotion and that works just fine. But I would like to add pages using Wordpress without changing my other pages. Maybe this is easy, but I don't want to try it out and find out I'm wrong. Thanks

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Satisfaction mark by TagYerit 5 years ago

Thanks, I'll try the subdomain option and see how that goes.

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Hello and thanks for asking. This easy to accomplish. The question will be how you wish to accomplish this:

  • WordPress pages alongside HTML pages on the same domain will require editing the .htaccess file
  • WordPress pages in a subfolder is easy as a subdomain
  • HTML pages within WordPress can be messy depending on the content

I recommend you contact our Live Support for further advice and options specific to your account.

  • Answer
  • Answered

Hello and thanks for asking. This easy to accomplish. The question will be how you wish to accomplish this:

  • WordPress pages alongside HTML pages on the same domain will require editing the .htaccess file
  • WordPress pages in a subfolder is easy as a subdomain
  • HTML pages within WordPress can be messy depending on the content

I recommend you contact our Live Support for further advice and options specific to your account.