Address Importer forwarding removes commas between multiple targets
I have tried every format I can think of, using .csv and .xls, but when I use the cPanel email "Address Importer", to create a forwarding to multiple target addresses, the commas between target email addresses are removed. The commas appear at Step 2, but when I hit "Next", they disappear. For example, in the target field, [email protected],[email protected],[email protected] becomes [email protected]@[email protected], and the forwarding does not work.
Hello, and sorry to hear that you're running into trouble with cPanel's address importer. A colleague of mine and I ran a few tests, and the same thing happened to us: the importer was removing the commas regardless of format.
It looks like the way around this issue is to make sure that every source-target pair is on its own line: do not include entries with multiple targets for one source.
If the issue still occurs afterwards, try alternating addresses, so that two lines with the same 'source' are not next to each other. This seems to help prevent any issues as you described. Hope that helps!