Installation/configuration question

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I installed Wordpress into a Wordpress subdirectory.  (  But I want the Wordpress site to be served from my root directory.  There is a mechanism for that in Wordpress.  The "WordPress Address (URL)" field is set to that Wordpress subdirectory.  The "Site Address (URL)" field is set to my root directory.  But that does not do it.
Further research says that I need to edit the .htaccess file that came with Wordpress and put that in my root directory.  Now this is my first foray into InMotion hosting, but I've edited my .htaccess and various other hidden files many times over many years in my account, so that's not a mystery to me.  What is a mystery is finding it!  Even when I ask FileZilla to show me the hidden files, it appears that InMotion blocks it from doing so.  
So can someone tell me what I need to do to have my site served from the root directory?
Thank you!

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Hi Anonymous, sorry to hear that you're running into trouble. 

First, I wanted to mention that we have an article on moving your WordPress site from a subdirectory to the main directory. It sounds like you're already familiar with the process, but I'm posting that in case something in there is useful to you. 

I would suggest going to cPanel's file manager and enable the viewing of hidden files from within file manager to see if that has an effect on how files are displayed within your FTP client.

Also, are you using your cPanel account as your FTP account, or did you create a new FTP account specifically to work on this site? If so, it's possible that the account simply doesn't have the permissions necessary to view hidden files. Try using your cPanel account as the FTP account and see if that helps. 

As a worst case scenario option, I'd suggest editing the .htaccess file in the cPanel file manager. I know it's frustrating to have to work on a site from two separate places, especially when one of them is only required because your preferred option (Filezilla in this case) isn't working, but I'm mentioning it in case it turns out to be the more time efficient option. 

I hope one of those suggestions helps resolve the situation, but if not let us know and we'll try to provide further tips. 

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Hi Anonymous, sorry to hear that you're running into trouble. 

First, I wanted to mention that we have an article on moving your WordPress site from a subdirectory to the main directory. It sounds like you're already familiar with the process, but I'm posting that in case something in there is useful to you. 

I would suggest going to cPanel's file manager and enable the viewing of hidden files from within file manager to see if that has an effect on how files are displayed within your FTP client.

Also, are you using your cPanel account as your FTP account, or did you create a new FTP account specifically to work on this site? If so, it's possible that the account simply doesn't have the permissions necessary to view hidden files. Try using your cPanel account as the FTP account and see if that helps. 

As a worst case scenario option, I'd suggest editing the .htaccess file in the cPanel file manager. I know it's frustrating to have to work on a site from two separate places, especially when one of them is only required because your preferred option (Filezilla in this case) isn't working, but I'm mentioning it in case it turns out to be the more time efficient option. 

I hope one of those suggestions helps resolve the situation, but if not let us know and we'll try to provide further tips.