PHP Update Problem

  • updated
  • Answered
Dear Hosting Provider,

I want my website to be as performant and secure as possible with the latest version of PHP. My PHP-version was 5.2.4 and I run PHP-update with MultiPHP Manager, but my site is disappear. Now I have a blank page with this text: Your server is running PHP version 5.4.45 but WordPress 6.0.1 requires at least 5.6.20. My domain name is: Can you help me, please?

IMH Support Agent 1
  • Answered


Thank you for contacting us about about a problem with your WordPress site after updating your version of PHP. This is just our public forums, but you can always contact live support if necessary. It seems like your site may be running 3rd party  plugins or themes that are not compatible with the latest version of PHP. I recommend following our WordPress Troubleshooting guide to help narrow down the specific cause of this blank page.

Thank you,
