Error 406 Blocking static post and publishing an application

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  • Answered

I am a home user and am taking a course in WordPress.  Two actions have been blocked by 406 Errors.  1) Adding a static post to a blog page and 2) publishing an application developed with Jetpack.  The result is 

Error 406 - Not Acceptable

Generally a 406 error is caused because a request has been blocked by Mod Security. If you believe that your request has been blocked by mistake please contact the web site owner.

Neither action should warrant security concerns.   Advice?

IMH Support Agent 1
  • Answered


Thank you for contacting us regarding a 406 mod security error. Here is a helpful guide on Learning About Mod_security and Disabling Mod_security, it discusses causes and solutions for this error. Let us know if you have any additional questions.

Thank you,
