How do we put a contact form on a plain-vanilla web page?

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We'd like to put a conventional "Contact Us" form on an ordinary web page. No WordPress or other framework; just ordinary HTML5 and PHP. Is there a resource here which explains how to accomplish this? Thanks.

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I'm from the old school, where programming always meant coding everything by hand, in C or something else equally elegant.Thanks for the assistance.

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Thanks for checking in with us!

So, the downside of building everything from scratch is that there is no simple answer for questions like this. With WordPress, it's easy to recommend a reliable form plugin. When you're building from scratch, you're going to have a lot of considerations to factor in. How are you validating input? Which PHP function are you going to use to send the data? 

All that said, we do have a tutorial to help you get started on making a PHP form! Just keep in mind that this is a starting point and, once you have an idea of what you're doing, you will want to adjust things to suit your specific site needs.

  • Answer
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Thanks for checking in with us!

So, the downside of building everything from scratch is that there is no simple answer for questions like this. With WordPress, it's easy to recommend a reliable form plugin. When you're building from scratch, you're going to have a lot of considerations to factor in. How are you validating input? Which PHP function are you going to use to send the data? 

All that said, we do have a tutorial to help you get started on making a PHP form! Just keep in mind that this is a starting point and, once you have an idea of what you're doing, you will want to adjust things to suit your specific site needs.