My account was hacked by Tiger-M@te. Should I be worried about viruses?

  • Answered
Hi today i realize my server was hacked by 'TiGER-M@TE' i found a few index.php files in a few different directories which had some script in it and a statement "HackeD By TiGER-M@TE".
The question is if my database was curruppted?
it did not appear on the active sites, however it did appear in some directories on those sites. is there a way to scan the server for viruses?
Tim S.
Hi maozbj,

Thanks for posting your question. Tiger-m@te hack occurred in September and was a defacement hack. He replaced some index pages with his own. There was no known virus associated with the hack.

You should be able to remove the hacked page as you see fit. Please let me know if you need further assistance.


Tim S