Everything Down on biz295.inmotionhosting.com?

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Yes, I cannot connect to any of my websites or email.  I can login to AMP but nothing else.  I was wondering if the server is down?  I have submitted a help ticket but have not heard back yet?

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Josh Green
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I'm sorry to hear of the issue you all were experiencing. In the future, if you do experience downtime, you can always refer to the Network Status page available at https://status.inmotionhosting.com/

Josh Green
  • Answer
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I'm sorry to hear of the issue you all were experiencing. In the future, if you do experience downtime, you can always refer to the Network Status page available at https://status.inmotionhosting.com/

robert bower

Everything came up again this morning but is down again.

robert bower

I am still down at 10:11 UTC on Tuesday and still no response from Tech Support.

jeff m

There must be something going on, we are in a similar boat.  Have not gotten a call back in over 3½ hours and chat support is similarly bogged-down.  We're trying to manage everything on mobile devices but are essentially out of business today with no end of sight.  Cannot get a hold of anyone at InMotion.