mime type issue? can't view ftp'd office files and pdf
Hi. I've uploaded office files (PPTX, XLSX), PDF's, and a TXT to my InMotion "public_html" directory in my personal ftp space. I then attempt to display them using http://delta-vega.com/. However, I am unable to open or save them using IE 9 and Windows 7 on my home laptop, except for the TXT file. At work, I have no problem with IE 7 and Windows XP. A tech at InMotion support said I have to change something with my mime types. Is this right, or what exactly do i have to do? An example would be delta DASH vega DOT com SLASH annotated_references.pdf
<iframe src="http://docs.google.com/gview?url=http://your-domain.com/path_to_powerpoint.ppt&embedded=true" style="width:900px; height:600px;" frameborder="0">