Why do I keep getting an error when trying to publish with FrontPage?

  • Answered
I am trying to publish an update to my site and I keep receiving this meesage from FrontPage and it will not let me publish:

The web server does not have any authentication methods enabled. It asked for user authentication but did not send a www-authenticate header.

Does anyone know what this means or how to fix it? I have never seen this message before and have published many many times previously.

Tim S.
Hi mystiquecollection, Thanks for posting your question. I'm more than happy to help you today. Sometimes this error is caused by an issue with the FrontPage extensions. I'd suggest logging into cPanel and making sure your FrontPage extensions are installed. If they are, remove the extensions and re-install them. Here's a link that may help you out: Installing FrontPage Extensions in cPanel If you need further assistance please feel free to contact us. Thanks! Tim S