
Why won't my photos show up in Gallery3?

  • Answered
I recently manually installed Gallery3 application and created an album and uploaded a photo. However, the photo does not show up on the site.
url :

Browsing the var folder (where the images are stored) shows that the upload is successful and thumbnail and resized photo have been generated.

Trying to 'view image' on firefox gives the following error:
You don't have permission to access /var/resizes/TestAlbum/DSCN0514.JPG on this server.

This particular file has 0644 permission.

Thanks for the support!!

Tim S.
Hi accphoto,

Thanks for posting your question. I'm more than happy to assist you. I've tested the link you provided and it seems to be working now. It appears that you had hotlink protection enabled which was causing the conflict and not allowing the images to load. You can turn off hotlink protection in cPanel.

If you need further assistance please feel free to contact us.


Tim S