Thanks for posting your question. I'm more than happy to assist you. When I visit your contactus.htm page from the site, I see one displayed. I dont know if this is the old or new page you have uploaded. I'd suggest clearing your web browser cache. Your web browser is likely loading a cached version of the page. When you are on the page, click CTRL + F5 and it should load the correct page.
If it does not, please feel free to contact us. If you need further assistance, please feel free to reach out so we can help you.
Thanks for posting your question. I'm more than happy to assist you. When I visit your contactus.htm page from the site, I see one displayed. I dont know if this is the old or new page you have uploaded. I'd suggest clearing your web browser cache. Your web browser is likely loading a cached version of the page. When you are on the page, click CTRL + F5 and it should load the correct page.
If it does not, please feel free to contact us. If you need further assistance, please feel free to reach out so we can help you.
Tim S