single user emai ok; group email fails

  • Answered
Once, several months ago, my email to groups failed. The problem went away the ext day. Today, it returned. I sent a message to select users [myself] and it worked.
I've tried 4 times to sent to groups [which include me at different email addresses] and no message appears.
I'm using Wordpress with the plugin Email users
Tim S.
Hi Grabth5, Thanks for posting your question. I'm more than happy to assist you. There's limits when sending one email. You can send a single email to no more than 50 total people. This is a security measure to reduce spam being sent from the server. The limit of 50 recipients includes any cc'd or bcc'd email addresses as well. This may be the issue. How many people are you sending the email to? Also, there's hourly limits imposed as well. The limit of 50 cannot be raised but the hourly limit can be adjusted. You can make an hourly email limit exemption request via AMP. Here's a link that you may find beneficial: Email Limit Exception in AMP If you need further assistance please feel free to contact us. Thanks! Tim S