Old Banner still displaying on builder.inmotion hosting site
I changed my site banner recently. The new banner is showing on my website, but when I log on to builder.inmotionhosting.com to edit my site, the old banner still displays on all the pages. How do I get the new banner to display on the edit site pages?
Hello Divable,
I took a look at your website as it is cached in Google in order to see your older banner. The banner being displayed is NOT the same as the old one. Most likely, you are seeing what is cached on your own computer. Use the following article in order to clear your browser cache and see the update page:
Clear Browser Cache
The banner I'm seeing op top has a white background instead of the bluish background I'm seeing in the older version. Hope this helps!
If you have any further questions, please contact technical support or leave a comment at the bottom of the page.
Arnel C.