On a VPS-1000 Hosting account can I use an Apache module called mod_xsendfile?

  • Answered
This module basically monitors the output buffer for the presence of special headers, and when it finds them it triggers apache to send the file on its own, almost as if the user requested the file directly. PHP processing is halted at that point, so no timeout errors regardless of the size of the file or the download speed of the client. And the end client gets the full benefits of Apache sending the file, such as an accurate file size report and download status bar.

***Customer needs to provide large files uploaded FTP (500MB) and provide download to their clients through web browser
Hello It_be_cool_if, I checked with a Tier2 tech regarding the mod_xsendfile. If you have no way to load and enable it yourself (with root access), then you will need to email [email protected], and request that it loaded. I was told you can use the module, but to be aware of the connections and disk space that will be involved. Excessive connections not cleared would cause issues, and they just wanted you to make sure that you're aware of the limited space if your customer is going to be uploading or download a bunch of files. If you have any further questions about your VPS hosting account, please contact technical support or leave a comment at the bottom of the page. Regards, Arnel C.